This is a nice cards screen from a tourist app concept in Sketch and designed by Luka Dadiani. Happy downloading!
This is a nice cards screen from a tourist app concept in Sketch and designed by Luka Dadiani. Happy downloading!
A cool music app concept with a simple and minimal design ready to use. Good job by Andrew Chraniotis.
This Bas UI kit was designed to help you speed your work process, eliminate wasting time searching for inspiration UI designs, color combinations and many more.
A cool redesign concept of the American Express iPhone App. Many thanks to Siddharth Arun for sharing this freebie.
Here’s a basic weather application design that you can use as an inspiration when designing your next mobile app.
Two simple and minimalistic iPhone X music UI screens that you can use as inspiration material for any music or sound related projects.
A free sample from a cool news app UI kit made in Sketch and designed by Aervea. Happy downloading!
Sked UI Kit Free Sample. Thanks to Komol Kuchkarov for providing us with this great freebie.
A massive iOS UI kit brought to you by Apply Pixels which includes a bunch of useful screens and common interface elements, controls, shapes, containers and icons.
This resource includes over 10 screens from iOS 12 Mail App Concept and a lot of useful UI elements.
Here is a Notifications Screen Ui Kit. design by Roman Bova.
A Style Free ECommerce UI Kit. This UI Kit was originally created for rapid prototyping on behalf of FORM Agency and has now been put together to be downloaded for free.
This is a logitech mobile app design concept with a clean UI that’s just ready for you to download for free.
A cool video producer app concept with an impressive UI and ready for download. Cheers to Roman Dolzhenkov for sharing this freebie.
A video mobile app concept with vibrant colors for the iPhone X that you can use as an inspiration for you future mobile design project. Good job by Peter Wu.
Simple and minimal iPhone x music screens that can be used as inspiration material for any music or sound related projects. Many thanks to Chetan Chouhan for sharing this freebie.