This useful UI kit from Invision was designed and shared by Robert Mayer to help you speed up your design process and prototyping. March 28, 2018 A UI Kit For InVisionmodernkit 53 1 1
The Font Awesome icon set as Sketch library ready for download. Big thanks to Dei to sharing this resource. Well done! February 8, 2018 Font Awesome Sketch Libraryfontsicon set 66 13 8
Here is a amazing typeface Regattia Free Font. Free font in two favours, bold and stencil. By Bruno Sáez López. January 17, 2018 Regattia – Free FontTypographyFree fonts 456 349 95
Knile font family is a slab serif font-family designed by atipo® & María Ramos. October 23, 2017 Knile Font Familyfontsfamily 586 410 61
Introducing Marvin Visions Typeface! Marvin Visions designed by Michael Chave in 1969 and published by Face Photosetting. Marvin Visions is a more modern and consistent reinterpretation of Marvin. October 23, 2017 Marvin Visions Typefacemarvinvisions 570 434 64
Noway Round is a new typeface released by Atipo and based on the successful Noway font family. Originally designed as a corporate and signage typeface for London Luton Airport. October 19, 2017 Noway Round Fontroundfamily 434 328 82