Here is free Launchmasters - Modern Landing Page Template. by Madalin Duca May 11, 2018 Launchmasters – Modern Landing Page Templatetestimonialspremium 137 63 25
A napp landing page PSD template with a nice overall design and color scheme. It was very generous of Madalin Duca to make this resource available for download. April 13, 2018 App Landing Page PSD Templatepagepixel 164 68 32
This is a nice and simple modern app landing page PSD template designed and released by Madalin Duca. I hope you enjoy! April 13, 2018 App Landing Page PSD Templatepagepixel 117 33 5
This is Eros, a beautiful landing page perfect for your next project. This is a good presentation website template for your apps. The author of this freebie is Mickael. October 25, 2017 App Landing Page – ErospageApp design 76 8 6